>It is time to take out the trash. Or is it? Maybe you can delay that task and just stack the new trash on the pile. 

Congratulations you won life. Now you don't have to take the trash out ever again. That is now a **Future me problem**!

Stack hundreds (ok, there are 15) of different items on your trash pile. Push your skills to the limit until the pile falls over. Or just accept your fate and take the trash outside to receive your final score. And then brag about how much trash you managed to stack on a single pile.

Enough of frantic trash stacking in challenge mode? Relive a glorious week of trash duty prevention in story mode.


This game is a submission to the ludum dare 50 game jam. It was following the theme "delay the inevitable". And was developed in 72 hours by Bitmedic and Noskro

This version is the mobile friendly version of the game that was built a couple days after the game jam. The gameplay identical to the jam version. There are only minor changes to improve gameplay on mobile devices. Those are:

  • using a different webgl template to keep UI scaling on mobile screens
  • adding a larger grab area of the trash items. The original grab area of the trash was sometimes too small for touch displays
  • Adding an Exit Button in themain menu for Android APK files
  • Renaming Highscore to Leaderboard (yes, that has nothing to do with mobile, but I just had to do it)

The original jam version can be found here


Music composed by AIVA - Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist (https://www.aiva.ai) Sounds downloaded from https://freesound.org/


FutureMeProblem.apk 31 MB

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